Auction Closed

Farmland at Public Auction

Wed Dec 2nd 2015 6 PM
Auction #171217

The following farm will be offered at public auction at the North Baltimore Library Community Room Dec 2nd at 6 PM. 

Ended Wed, Dec, 2nd 11:59 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Populating lots for archived auction...



Wood Co. Farmland @ Public Auction

Sec. 30 Bloom Twp. Just east of North Baltimore, Ohio


Auction Location:

 North Baltimore Library Community Room 230 N. Main St. NB, Ohio  45872 

Wednesday December 2nd 2015 @ 6 PM

Located in PT of the SW ¼ and N ¼’s of the S ½ of Section 30 Bloom Twp. Containing 80 ac. Wood Co. Auditor’s parcel A02-11-300000022000 & 24000

 Farm One 80 acres:  Located 1 mi. east of North Baltimore on SR 18 then 1 ¼ mi. north on Bushey Rd. then west on Quarry Rd.  This 57.733 ac. surveyed parcel has good access off of Quarry Road and an open ditch along the west boundary.  The 57.733 surveyed parcel has a neck that attaches it to a rear 23 acre field.  This farm is predominately Hoytville Silty Clay Loam and some Nappanee.  FSA reports   acres tillable.  Purchaser is to receive approx. 25 acres of growing wheat. 


SELLER:    Richard and Coleen Simon  


TERMS:  $10,000.00 due day of sale (non-refundable) with balance due with-in 30 days when a Warranty Deed will be given.  Possession of farmland given at closing.   Sellers to pay 2015 Real Estate taxes.  Purchaser to receive 2016 farming rights.  Purchasers must have their financing pre-arranged.  Not subject to financing or inspections needed to secure financing.  Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids, but fully intend to sell day of auction.  Terms given day of auction take precedence over printed material. 


Walter Bros. Inc. Auctioneers

Ben, Tom ,Matt Walter and Kris Gosche

901 N. Main St. Findlay, Ohio 419-424-0944


Bidding Dates
Dec '15
06:00 PM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Preview Dates
Pre-bidding Dates
Checkout Dates


 Located 1 mi. east of North Baltimore on SR 18 then 1 ¼ mi. north on Bushey Rd. then west on Quarry Rd. 


Located in PT of the SW ¼ and N ¼’s of the S ½ of Section 30 Bloom Twp. Containing 80 ac. Wood Co. Auditor’s parcel A02-11-300000022000 & 24000