Auction Closed

Baughman Contents

Baughman Contents
Auction #185835

Seller accepted offer before auction. Contents will sell same time and place.

Ended Sat, Jun, 19th 03:00 PM US/Eastern

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Real Estate SOLD!
Public Auction

The following contents will be offered on the premises being: 211 & 215 Center St. Findlay, Ohio 45840. Parking behind off Clinton Ct.
Saturday June 19, 2021 10 AM
 Household and Antiques
211 Center St.  SOLD 
215 Center St.  SOLD

Personal Property: 14 ft. Sunfish sail boat; 4 pc. bedroom suite; Maytag washer & Speed Queen Dryer; 19 Cu side / side Amana fridge; HD Mini Brut sewing machine; Sentry Safe; 3 drawer green cabinet; Light table; 4 sump pumps & hose; ladders; bed head boards; 3 - 25 gal. barrels w/ lids; reel mower; two 5 gallon SS milk buckets; milk can; 3 bus seats; hand tools; furnace blower; electric chain saw; apple picker; leaf rakes; B&D blower; Stanley shop vac; camping equipment; glass display case; 2 fans; ext. cords; sleeping bag; white drapes; down comforter; misc. bedding & linens; misc. lumber; misc PVC pipe & fittings; ½” conduit ; 5 - B&D hedge trimmers; B&D weed trimmer; leaf rakes; 2 back packs; 4 griddles; crochet set; Keurig coffee pot; Comb Binder w/ combs; 6 Green 90 by 91 & 9 Coral table clothes; 6 Bolts double knit, several colors; 2 metal shelves; organizers; Wrought iron bench for around tree ; ice cream freezers; Dehydrator; 2 window AC; toaster oven; 8” jointer; 36” wood Rockwell lathe; 2 story poles 5’ & 6’; Ram bench top sander; 7 ¼ Milwaukee hand saw & case; 10” Sears radial arm saw; Sears Router; 4”vise; power belt sander; HD Rockwell hand planer; glass insulators; commercial paper cutter & others; 2 boxes of old cameras; wood wall phone pcs; metal cabinet; w/ glass door; roll paper holders; English flow blue china; nail kegs; one man saw; misc. garden tools; concrete planter; 8 gallon crock; scythe; old carpenter hand tools; 3 wood planes; soldering guns; bike saddle bags; 2 valance and drapes; lg Family Bible; old & new books; 2 brown jugs; old picture frames; 8 - 1776-1976 Pepsi bottles; Apollo 11,13 & 14 glasses & pitchers; 50 nations 3 by 5 flags; Wood working mags; American Overseas radio; 2 sets of locker drawers; 2 boxes of wood thread spools; quilting frame; 4 drawer file cabinet; knee hole desk; school desk; file organizer; garden trellis; 11 print drawers; shepherds hooks; drafting tools; coffee & end tables with tile inlay; many more misc. items.
TERMS: Cash or Check with ID day of sale, Credit Cards +4%, Not responsible for accidents or items after sold.

Seller Jim Baughman
Walter Real Estate & Auctioneers
Matt Walter, Broker & Ben Walter, Realtor
901 N. Main St. Findlay Ohio 45840