Grubb Auction
PUBLIC AUCTION 500 Clifton Ave. Findlay, OH 45840 Located west off of N. Main St. at Glenwood School Saturday May 7, 2016 at 10 AM
500 Clifton Ave. Findlay, OH 45840
Located west off of N. Main St. at Glenwood School
Saturday May 7, 2016 at 10 AM
Collectables: Gilbert kitchen shelf clock; clock shelf; dozen quilts finished & unfinished; Gate leg dinette table; 4 cane bottom chairs; piano stool; music cabinet; wash stand w/ towel bars; 3 corner table; 2 music boxes on legs; corner china cabinet; brass umbrella stand; 2 canes; double canopy bed; Hi Fi; yellow step stool; 4 pc. Waterfall bedroom suite; wood arm chair; nice Lane cedar chest; 2 commodes; books; vinyl records; old pictures & records; Zither; display cabinet w/ glass shelves; sheet music; 40’s red & white metal porcelain dinette table; old 40’s gas range; stereo scope; glassware inc. pink depression compote; salt dips; China items; what-nots; 184-6” & 475-10” Roseville pcs.; China dishes; 3 boxes Lismore Waterford crystal; piano harp; vintage Ludwig piano; small stamp collection; 5 Hummels; 3 boxes Noritake Margot dinnerware; castor set; copper enameling set; wood & tin boxes; 3 boxes of decanters; Champion sled; luggage; over 200 old books; lots of costume jewelry; Jewelry Armoire; lots of misc.
Household: Kohler & Campbell black piano & bench; Whirlpool washer & dryer; 40” GE elec. range; 2 micro wave ovens; 3 swivel arm rockers; 2 window ACs; Maple end tables & coffee table; 2 crystal lamps; 3 cushion sofa; burgundy power recliner; book shelf; 2 wall mirrors; 32” flat screen TV; TV stand; ottoman; stand lamp; many table & BR lamps; 4 pc. bedroom suite; 1970s 3 pc. bedroom suite; Tri Angle Brand 5 pc. blonde bedroom suite; carpet runner; 8 ¾ X 11 area rug; White wash double dresser; 3 pc. metal ice cream table set; large floor lamp w/ Dolphins; corner shelf; Bissel carpet cleaner & an upright sweeper; computer items; 3 Christmas trees; Lots of Christmas & seasonal decorations; CDs & VHS tapes; Ice Cream Makers; 2 bikes; 2 patio chairs & table; 12 ft. alumn. ladder; gas weed whip; Toro snow thrower; Toro push mower; three 5 gallon cans of kerosene; kerosene heater; camp stove; wood machinist chest; boxes of tools; 2 door metal cabinet; 6 ft. wood step ladder; white metal cabinet; Show Time rotisserie; convection oven; Nesco roaster; chaise lounge; metal shelf; pots & pans; linens; lots of misc.
Terms: cash or check w/ acceptable ID, MC & Visa + 3%, Not responsible for accidents or for items after they are sold. Lunch on grounds.
The late Thornton (Doc) Grubb, Marna Mulroney, Stephen A. Roepke Attorney
Walter Bros. Inc. Auctioneers
Ben, Tom, Matt Walter & Kris Gosche
901 N. Main St., Findlay, O 45840
Bidding Dates
May '16
10:00 AM
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Preview Dates
Pre-bidding Dates
Checkout Dates
500 Clifton Ave. Findlay, OH 45840
Located west off of N. Main St. at Glenwood School